Sources of the Liturgy

Published Books
Here, you can find information about various books and resources published to facilitate critical study of the texts and sources of the Roman Rite.
Paperback editions can be bought from Amazon via the links below, which directly supports this research and work. Electronic editions are also available for free.

Index Lectionum: A Comparative Table of Readings for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite
"[A]n outstanding resource for the ongoing discussion on the post-conciliar liturgical reform... Matthew Hazell is to be congratulated for creating a comparative tool to facilitate such a debate." - Rev Fr Uwe Michael Lang in Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal 21.1 (2017), pp. 86-88
The Index Lectionum allows easy comparison of the traditional and post-Vatican II lectionaries. All the readings for the Traditional Roman Rite and the Novus Ordo have been arranged side-by-side in biblical order, with their use in each form documented.
This book is a vital comparative tool for further study of and research into the modern and traditional lectionaries of the Roman Rite: their relationship to one another, their similarities and differences, and their respective pastoral advantages and disadvantages.
xxxviii + 232 pages, 2016. Foreword by Dr Peter Kwasniewski.
Paperback available from Amazon: USA, UK, Italy, Germany, France, Spain,
Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Japan, Canada, Australia.
Electronic version (PDF) can be downloaded here.
The Proper of Time in the Post-Vatican II Liturgical Reforms
The prayers in the traditional and post-Vatican II Roman Missals are, in many places, very different, and in recent years these differences have increasingly been the object of scholarly study and enquiry.
To aid with this, The Proper of Time in the Post-Vatican II Liturgical Reforms reproduces, for the very first time, the set of draft orations given in one of the Consilium schemata, and arranges them in parallel with those of the 1962 and 1970/2002 Missals for easy comparison.
This book provides an intriguing snapshot of part of the post-Vatican II liturgical reforms as they were in September 1966, and is a vital resource for those who wish to examine the nuts and bolts of the Consilium's work.

The Post-Communion Prayers in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite: Texts and Sources
The Post-Communion Prayers in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite aims to provide easy access to the Latin source texts for every single post-communion prayer in the Roman Missal as reformed after the Second Vatican Council.
Readers will thus be able to compare any given post-communion prayer with its source text(s), to observe any differences between them, and how major or minor such differences might be in terms of tone, vocabulary, style, theology, etc. Along with references to the critical editions of the various source texts, citations of the Corpus Orationum and Corpus Praefationum series of volumes (Brepols) have also been provided where possible, to aid further research.
As well as being helpful for general and more specific studies of the post-communion prayers of the Roman Missal, this research aid also contributes to the ongoing critical assessment of the post-Vatican II liturgical reforms.